The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)

Objectives, measures and activities within the Common Agricultural Policy are financed from two basic funds which are connected to two main pillars of the CAP.

European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) is used to provide a stable income for agricultural producers by means of direct payments, in accordance with the measures regulating agricultural markets.

The second fund is European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). The purpose of this fund is to provide funding for the second pillar known as „rural development“ and it is used to finance improvement of competitiveness of agricultural and forestry sector, improvement of life in rural areas and diversification of rural economy and improvement of environment and rural areas.

The list of measures available in the Programme period 2014 – 2020 is provided below.

M1 Knowledge transfer and information actions

This measure will benefit those who have already started or will start agricultural production. Programme funds will be used for their education and continuous improvement.

M2 – Advisory services, farm management and farm relief services

Support to provide advisory services, support for education of advisers.

M3 – Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs

Support for new participation in quality schemes, for information actions and promotions implemented by producer groups in the internal market.

M4 – Investments in physical assets

This measure provides many investments in primary agriculture and processing of agricultural products, as well as in activities directed toward irrigation of agricultural areas and preservation of landscape values.

M5 – Restoring agricultural production potential damaged by natural disasters and catastrophic events and introduction of appropriate prevention actions

Support for investment in restoration of agricultural land and production potential damaged by natural disasters, unfavourable climate conditions and catastrophic events.

M6 – Farm and business development

One of the more important objectives of this measure is to make it possible for young people to find a job also outside agricultural professions.

M7 – Basic services and village renewal in rural areas

By ensuring quality municipal and social infrastructure, rural areas will again become desirable places for life and work, which is the objective of this measure.

M8 – Investments in forest area development and improvement of the viability of forests

Support to investments in improving resilience and environmental value of forest ecosystems. Support for investments in forestry technologies and in processing in mobilising and in the marketing of forestry products.

M9 – Setting-up of producer groups and organisations

Setting-up of producer groups and organisations in the agriculture and forestry sectors.

M10 – Agri-environment climate

Payments of obligations related to agriculture, environment and climate changes.

M11 – Organic farming

Payments to convert organic farming practices and methods. Payments to maintain organic agricultural practices and methods.

M13 – Payments in areas facing natural or other specific constraints

Payments in mountain areas. Payments in areas with significant natural constraints. Payment in areas with specific constraints.

M14 – Animal Welfare

Measure 14 comprises application of high standards of animal welfare that go beyond the minimum prescribed requirements.

M16 – Co-operation

Support to setting-up and operation of Operational groups within the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability and support for horizontal and vertical co-operation among supply chain actors for the establishment and development of short supply chains and local markets and for promotion of activities in a local context relating to the development of short supply chains and local markets

M17 – Risk Management

Crop, animal and plant insurance premium

M18 – Financing of complementary national direct payments for Croatia

M19 – Support for LEADER local development (CLLD – Community-led local development)

M20 – Technical Assistance

If you need additional information on a particular measure, operation type, tender or public call, please contact us:

Georg d.o.o.

Address: Ulica Divka Budaka 1D, 10 000 Zagreb

Phone: + 385 1 4444 396

E-Mail: info@georg.hr